Bryan Eisenberg & Richard Zwicky at SES Toronto

July 13th, 2010 by Richard Zwicky

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Bryan Eisenberg, who is the best-selling author of  “Waiting for Your Cat to Bark?: Persuading Customers When They Ignore Marketing” and many other books and I did a panel together recently at SES Toronto.  After the panel, he interviewed me with regards to meaningful metrics.  It was a good panel, and interview.

Perhaps the most salient point from both panel and interview is that when a business is trying to understand and evaluate key metrics in online marketing they need to look through the entire value-chain. The challenges of the changing marketplace make it very difficult for marketers to measure all channels equitably and fairly, balancing search, social media, email, newsletters, etc. Bryan highlighted the importance of cross channel metrics, which I was able to substantiate with an example of a client who was struggling to find value in PPC after having only invested in, and measured, one channel. Upon examination, the client discovered that a significant portion of the business’s social and organic search traffic was preceded by visits from the paid channel, and that these multi-touch visits were actually converting and providing measurable results at a higher rate than single visit traffic.

I hope you take the 5 minutes to listen to the interview, and feel free to send me any questions that you have as a consequence.

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One Response to “Bryan Eisenberg & Richard Zwicky at SES Toronto”

  1. Great post, i think blog posts like this add so much value to the marketing community,i have learnt some valuable info from you. Keep it Up! Sincerely, The Social Media Trainer

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