Author Archive

Who’s Been in Search the Longest - Results

August 25th, 2010 by Richard Zwicky

Last week at SES San Francisco / Connected Marketing Week, I had the pleasure of introducing Bruce Clay for the SEO 101 session.  I’ve known Bruce for many years now, and since people often ask me “how long has Bruce Clay really been involved in search,” I thought I’d turn that question into some audience participation with a poll: Who’s been in Search Longer?  Forty-two (42) people in the room responded!  Once again, Al Gore just missed the win;

Who’s been in Search Longer?

36.73%      Bruce Clay

34.69%      Al Gore (He invented search too!)

20.41%      Bono (He still hasn’t found what he’s looking for)

8.16%       Marco Polo

Thanks for all who participated, I hope you enjoyed the session!

Who’s Been in Search Longer?

August 18th, 2010 by Richard Zwicky

I’m at SES San Francisco, part of Connected Marketing Week. This morning, I have the pleasure of introducing Bruce Clay for the session “Search 101.” It thought I would have a little fun with Bruce, and ask the audience:

If you have any comments, ping me during the session - @rzwicky

Poll Results - Top Link-Building Expert: Eric Ward

August 18th, 2010 by Richard Zwicky

Continuing on yesterday’s PPC Experts results list, I’m continuing to use the opportunity that Connected Marketing Week presents to post some of the results to the lists I created around top experts in the various online marketing disciplines.

I’ll probably repeat myself in all the poll results, but the lists have been a pleasure to publish, as people are constantly asking for recommendations around who to turn to for advice within different areas of online marketing. This format allowed me to share my recommendations, in a format that allows everyone else to weigh in and share their insights too. Over 3000 individuals participated in this series of polls. Thank-you to all!

Today, I’m publishing the list of top experts you turn to most for link-building advice. As you can see from the original list, this was a really strong group. Every single one of them is incredibly knowledgeable, and worth being on anyone’s reading list.

Your top 5 favorites were:

1) Eric Ward
2) Wiep
3) Debra Mastaler
4) Dave Davies

and a tie for fifth;

5) Rand Fishkin
5) Ralph Tegtmeier - Fantomaster / “Fantomeister”

The graphic, for all of you to see the distribution:

Poll results - Top PPC Expert - David Szetela

August 17th, 2010 by Richard Zwicky

I thought it would be interesting to use Connected Marketing Week to post some of the results to the lists I created around top experts in the various online marketing disciplines.

As I’ve written before, the lists have been a pleasure to publish, as people are constantly asking for recommendations around who to turn to for advice within different areas of online marketing. This format allowed me to share my recommendations, in a format that allows everyone else to weigh in and share their insights too. Over 3000 individuals participated in this series of polls. Thank-you to all!

The first set of results I thought I would share was from the list of PPC Experts. The PPC Expert you feel most comfortable turning to for PPC advice is David Szetela, who received 14.6% support!

1) David Szetela
2) Andrew Goodman
3) Joanna Lord
4) Brad Geddes
5) Marc Poirier

In fact, the top 5 vote getters received 50% of the total support, as shown in this graph:

Congratulations to all! If you missed the list - view it here.

Thanks to everyone for participating - @rzwicky Richard Zwicky

Results to the Lists and Voting Observations - Overview

August 13th, 2010 by Richard Zwicky

Are SEO’s and PPC experts more effective at driving referral traffic to a web site from Twitter than SMM specialists? That could be the conclusion based on data I’ve collected from a series of polls, so far.

A few weeks ago I started running some lists on this blog. My goal was to thank so many great contributors for posting relevant and useful information which would be useful to anyone engaged in online marketing. Some people are established, and well known. There were five lists SEO, PPC, SMM, Links, and Cross-Channel (meaning they fit in 2+ categories).

I’ve known many of these people for years, since before I started Eightfold Logic. I used a vote driven format, because I know polls always draw attention, but also because I thought their might be some interesting data to report. After a couple of system crashes, I’ve finally completed compiling the data and expect to begin publishing the results next week.

While I’ll publish the detailed lists later, I wanted to share out some interesting summary data in the meantime, and get your thoughts and input on a surprising result. Perhaps most interestingly to me: why is it that tweets by SMM specialists in support of the list of Social Marketers generated the lowest click through rates?

This first chart shows how many unique individuals posted, or reposted, a link on Twitter promoting each channel’s list. As you can see, the greatest volume of unique activity was for the Cross Channel and SEO lists. This total is not the number of tweets, but rather the number of unique individual who tweeted about the lists, and used for url shortening purposes. I selected just the tweets as it’s simple to track.

This is where it gets interesting. Despite the unique activity levels for the SMM and PPC lists, the Social Marketer’s self-promotions drew the lowest average number of referrals per tweet. Could it be that SEO’s and PPC’s are the most effective Tweeters?

I’d love to hear your comments and thoughts as to why this is.

As for the raw numbers for these graphs:

SEO PPC SMM Links Cross Channel
# of names on poll 29 26 24 32 42
# of unique Twitter posters (who used 42 24 22 27 49
Average # of referrals per tweet 13.7 13.5 5.9 12.0 10.1

Details of each list’s results next week.

Thanks to everyone who participated!

Richard - @rzwicky

Should You Consider “Author Authority”?

August 6th, 2010 by Richard Zwicky

Search marketers are familiar with signals. One of the truisms is the logic: if no one links to your site, it can’t be considered important, therefore why should it appear in the search results? The more quality links referencing your website or web pages, the better.

A lot of signals or factors behind links can affect the quality, relevance, and value of these citations. Perhaps there’s another signal to consider: Author.

If you’re interested in learning more, earlier today Search Engine Watch published an article I submitted on the topic of Author Authority. The idea came to me while reading a recent patent which was issued and assigned to Google. I’d love to get your thoughts and feedback!


Richard / @rzwicky

Do You Know Which Referral Source Drives the Most Traffic

August 4th, 2010 by Richard Zwicky

As you may be aware, we collect a lot of data at Eightfold Logic, and have been doing so for a few years. Last week, I was looking at the lists of online marketers, and the voting numbers, and began to think about them in the context of traffic delivered, and its value. I had a broad sampling run from a swathe of web sites across industries and geographies to ascertain which channels deliver the most raw referral traffic. Later, in another post, I’ll dive into quality.

Sample size: 1 week of data, 36,164,959 unique referrals. (original sessions, excluding bots etc)

Referral Source
Search 24.04%
Links 16.64%
Social Media / Social Networking sites 1.56%
Everything Else (including Direct) 57.75%

It’s amazing how much marketing attention is focused on social considering the volume of referrals it drives to businesses, relative to other customer acquisition channels. However, it’s understood that used effectively, social is more about the pre-site-visit experience, and market awareness. That said, very few organizations are using social media marketing effectively. Effectively harnessing this inbound marketing channel opportunity will be of paramount importance going forward for companies to survive and succeed.

Richard Zwicky - @rzwicky

Observations from the Receiving End - Surprising Results in Poll Lists

August 4th, 2010 by Richard Zwicky

It’s been quite interesting watching the response to the lists about online marketers that I started published two weeks ago. . There have been over 3,000 voter submissions in the last week. That’s a lot more than I ever expected. Additionally, I’ve received many text messages, voicemails, DM’s, blog comments, and emails with suggestions of who else could be included on the lists; I appreciate all these notes.

Some people also chose to send me their own names for inclusion. One person appears to have submitted their name for inclusion ~50 times! Fortunately for you, I’m not publishing your name, but if you’re reading this, you know who you are. You’re claiming to be an Internet Marketer of some skill: Do you honestly not know that it’s easy to determine if traffic repeatedly originates from the same places or computers?

Other than the notes from a couple of manic individuals repeatedly suggesting themselves, lots of people sent me some great suggestions. I’ve been trying to follow-up on them by reading things by and about these contributors. There are some valuable resources I’m discovering, or re-discovering. Thank-you! Some of the useful suggestions are found in the blog comments of the appropriate posts.

The suggestions I’ve received go to the point of the series. It’s not been about who gets the most votes, but, that said, I will publish lists thereof. The attention seeking has been for all these valuable contributors whom I wanted to recognize via this forum. Some of the people on the lists are already well known, and justifiably so. Others are not well known yet, but they provide great information about different facets of online marketing, and should be a resource that anyone with any level of interest in the space can turn to for insights.

I do appreciate all the attention that these lists have generated, and hope that people will share the results widely – that only goes to accomplish the goal of providing these people recognition.

As for the voting; it’s been really interesting to see whose inputs are heavily valued, despite their not being common industry names. It’s also been extremely interesting to observe which channels have been driving the most traffic via social media, and other sources, as well as observing which channel’s traffic has the best user behavior once they visit the site. I’ll likely have a few posts coming out reporting on user behavior trends. Quite interesting really! For instance, as it stands right now, the day of the social media experts tweets drove the lowest RT and clickthrough activity per post or mention. Perhaps that’ll change before the lists close…

Finally, there have been two individuals who received no votes. (Bet you want to know who, eh?) I was shocked at who they were, and presume it’s because their communities did not overlap as heavily with the search or social marketplace community represented here. Hopefully they’ll learn about these lists before I close them.

In the meantime, if you haven’t checked out the lists of great contributors (or voted), please do so now at:

Search Engine Optimization Professionals
Pay-Per-Click Marketing Experts
Social Media Marketing Specialists
Link Building Masters
Amazing Cross-Channel Online Marketing Contributors

I’ll hopefully start publishing results next week.

Richard / @rzwicky

Bing Growing, Yahoo Steady - Search Engine Market Share Update

July 28th, 2010 by Richard Zwicky

It’s been almost seven months since I last provided insight into the search engine market shares based on click through activity. After holding relatively steady for months, this latest update shows Bing has grown by 2.0%. Perhaps most interestingly, it’s no longer growing at the expense of Yahoo, which was previously the case.

Here’s the raw numbers:

Google Yahoo Bing Other
September 7 78.68% 11.51% 6.80% 3.01%
September 14 78.35% 11.13% 6.50% 4.02%
September 21 77.43% 11.35% 7.11% 4.11%
September 28 77.65% 10.80% 7.27% 4.28%
October 4 77.78% 10.66% 7.23% 4.33%
October 12 77.78% 10.66% 7.21% 4.35%
October 18 77.89% 10.65% 7.29% 4.17%
October 25 77.83% 10.56% 7.56% 4.05%
November 1 77.75% 10.46% 7.66% 4.12%
November 8 77.96% 10.21% 7.75% 4.08%
November 15 77.60% 10.39% 7.59% 4.42%
November 22 77.59% 10.41% 7.67% 4.37%
December 22 78.43% 9.73% 7.86% 3.97%
Month of June 2010 75.93% 9.94% 9.82% 3.83%

Eightfold Logic collects data from a network of web sites distributed globally. The data used in this reports represents web sites distributed globally, accessed by searchers located in the U.S., and reflects click-through activity data.

List of Amazing Cross Channel Contributors

July 28th, 2010 by Richard Zwicky

Over the last few days I’ve been publishing lists of people I read or whose online marketing comments I find useful / interesting.  I hope you’ll add all these individuals to your bookmark list of people to turn to when you need advice across various search and online marketing disciplines. 

The challenge with putting together any of these lists is to make sure that you don’t forget anyone.  I have missed some along the way, and once I realized the error I added them to the appropriate list after publication.

There’s also some great contributors I wanted to note who write scant amounts themselves, but rather highlight great resources for others to read. Finally, there are some individuals who mainly contribute via public speaking engagements; they’re perhaps the most difficult to reference, as it’s hard for non-attendees to understand the context of the contributions.

On each of the earlier lists, I’ve had comments from people about why “XYZ” wasn’t on the list.  In some cases it was an obvious error, in others, it’s because they fit on so many lists that I was saving them for this final one. The most obvious name in this category was Danny Sullivan. As I wrote in my first post, he really should be on everyone’s reading list!  He contributes across so many areas, I could have included him throughout, so instead of listing him five times, I saved him for this list.

Today’s final list in this series is about amazing cross-channel contributors; I’ve tried to include mostly people who didn’t fit the other lists. Being on any of these lists reflects a very broad range of contributions to the industry.  This list in particular is of people who have made contributions spanning multiple areas of online marketing.  These people write authoritatively, OR, they provide commentary about areas of interest and point their listeners or readers in the direction of great, meaningful content.  In the latter case, they’re like great filters for all of us, pointing people to the essential nuggets they should keep track of, but sometimes miss.

As this is the last list in the series, I’ll be closing voting on all the lists within a week, and then getting around to publishing some interesting results, with links to the places to find the best contributor’s content.

If you have any questions, feel free to email me: Richard Zwicky - zwicky@, tweet me @rzwicky, or leave a comment below.

If you’ve missed them, please read further down the blog for the prior lists of great online marketing contributors across SEO, PPC, SMM, and link-building!

Thanks again for participating!

Richard Zwicky