Posts Tagged ‘Market Share’
Bing Growing, Yahoo Steady - Search Engine Market Share Update
It’s been almost seven months since I last provided insight into the search engine market shares based on click through activity. After holding relatively steady for months, this latest update shows Bing has grown by 2.0%. Perhaps most interestingly, it’s no longer growing at the expense of Yahoo, which was previously the case.
Here’s the raw numbers:
Yahoo | Bing | Other | ||
September 7 | 78.68% | 11.51% | 6.80% | 3.01% |
September 14 | 78.35% | 11.13% | 6.50% | 4.02% |
September 21 | 77.43% | 11.35% | 7.11% | 4.11% |
September 28 | 77.65% | 10.80% | 7.27% | 4.28% |
October 4 | 77.78% | 10.66% | 7.23% | 4.33% |
October 12 | 77.78% | 10.66% | 7.21% | 4.35% |
October 18 | 77.89% | 10.65% | 7.29% | 4.17% |
October 25 | 77.83% | 10.56% | 7.56% | 4.05% |
November 1 | 77.75% | 10.46% | 7.66% | 4.12% |
November 8 | 77.96% | 10.21% | 7.75% | 4.08% |
November 15 | 77.60% | 10.39% | 7.59% | 4.42% |
November 22 | 77.59% | 10.41% | 7.67% | 4.37% |
December 22 | 78.43% | 9.73% | 7.86% | 3.97% |
Month of June 2010 | 75.93% | 9.94% | 9.82% | 3.83% |
Eightfold Logic collects data from a network of web sites distributed globally. The data used in this reports represents web sites distributed globally, accessed by searchers located in the U.S., and reflects click-through activity data.
Poll: Android, iPhone, Blackberry, Microsoft, Nokia, Best User Experience?
I’ve received quite a bit of email about the post showing how Apple’s iPhone and Google’s Android OS powered phones are surging, but Google’s seem to drive more people online. I’m not ignoring Nokia’s offerings, nor do I dismiss the Palm systems, Microsoft mobile etc. In fact, I think Microsoft’s next version of mobile OS could be great!
The point is, each of the phones have definitely addressed different marketplaces. Google and Apple’s offerings definitely appear to be targeting the same groups, and at least from the perspective of enticing people to surf the web, Google seems to be doing a better job.
I’ve had a few people email me that they use apps on the iPhone to fetch info, and perhaps this accounts for the difference in numbers. Unfortunately, since most of the top apps are available for both platforms, this is unlikely to be a factor. As a side note, Apple’s App Store blows away Google’s.
So, tell us, which phone’s OS / Browser combination do you think offers the best web browsing User Experience? Remember, you don’t need to own one to vote for it. This has nothing to with best of email, call quality, etc.
Previous poll: Are Tweets Effective Interruption Marketing?
Mobile Market Share on the Move - Is Android Superior?
It would appear that based on data which would indicate people’s habit with their mobile devices, that the Android offers a better user experience for surfing the Internet than the Google iPhone. While the Android and the iPhone’s share of the overall browser market continues to grow, it is surprising to note that despite the iPhone’s lead in activations, mobile web usage of phone browsers powered by Google’s Android appears to be picking up steam faster than Apple’s iPhone.
The last time I posted market share numbers around web browser referrals to web sites from mobile devices, the various devices had not yet even broken a combined 1% total share. It appears that milestone’s long gone now, as shown in the chart below. Looking at the graph, and data, there’s more going on beyond the obvious “Google’s Android web usage is exploding faster than Apple’s iPhone.” The reality is while that fact is important, and can be attributed in part to the diversity (60) of devices running the Android OS, versus the four devices running Apple’s iphone, the diversity of devices in stores is minor compared to the fact that there are many more Apple iPhone devices in circulation. Apple sold 1.7 million iPhone 4’s within days of release along, and has years worth activation , compared to 160,000 Android phones being activated daily. That gap pales when comparing the mobile browser usage numbers.
A while back Steve Jobs was quoted that most iPhone activity goes via apps, versus search or traditional browser. I found that comment interesting as it reflects a different layer of Internet activity which most of us ignore. While this likely is true, the stunning growth rate in overall web browser usage from Androids v. iPhones reveals something else: People with Android phones use them quite differently from those who have iPhones.
While putting together these numbers, I happened to read Peter Sims’ Tech Crunch’s article “Is Google at Risk of Becoming the Next Microsoft.” When I look at these numbers, the answer definitely becomes no. Just the innovation is not in the same area as before.
Now, I don’t own either an Android or an iPhone. I do have a Blackberry Bold 2, which is great for email and has good sound quality, but it lacks the quality browser experience which might entice me to surf via my phone. If I have to look something up online using my Blackberry, it’s a last resort. Conversely, that function is key to both the Android and iPhone. However, it appears that despite Apple’s massive lead in total footprint based on activations, Android is making that experience much more positive, and as a consequence, Android owners are much more likely to surf using their devices.
The web sites which we are tracking, and using as a basis for the data that we are reporting are not likely to be accessed directly via apps. Apologies for the timescale jump, for those who like the raw numbers:
iPhone | Android | Blackberry | ||
July | 0.448% | 0.038% | 0.026% | |
Aug | 0.591% | 0.045% | 0.033% | |
Sept | 0.583% | 0.043% | 0.041% | |
Oct | 0.663% | 0.049% | 0.044% | |
July 2010 | 1.070% | 0.483% | 0.051% |
Eightfold Logic collects data from a network of web sites distributed globally.
Search Engine Market Share by Click Through Activity - December 2009
Surprisingly, I haven’t posted a search engine market share report in 30 days. We did post lots of other interesting data in the interim however. This week, we’re getting back to the evolving search engine landscape. Of course, not a lot overall has changed since our last look at the data.
Google continues to own almost 80% of the actual click through market share. We recognize that our numbers are different from some other reports. The core difference is our reports reflect click through activity, as opposed to general activity. As demonstrated in the post “how long is normal,” while most search lookup activity is on one word queries, click throughs occur most often on three-word searches. The same holds true for the various engines. A lot of people apparently run searches on Bing / Yahoo, but they refine their searches prior to clicking through. Hence, Google shows a much higher market share when we examine just click through activity.
As it relates to the change in activity over the last month, Bing continues to show strong forward momentum, and Yahoo continues to fade away. Sad, really. Google’s decline which started in June appears to have stabilized at a dominating ~78.4% market share. If we look at areas outside the US, Google’s share is even higher.
For convenience, this graph shows the change in Yahoo / Bing / and other non-google shares since May 2009. If you want to look at the raw data that for back you can view it on the prior blog post about search engine market shares. The data table is getting so long however that we’ll just show the last 4 months from here on out. I’m using an “all-time” chart to show the trends though.
The raw data for those who prefer the numbers:
Yahoo | Bing | Other | ||
September 7 | 78.68% | 11.51% | 6.80% | 3.01% |
September 14 | 78.35% | 11.13% | 6.50% | 4.02% |
September 21 | 77.43% | 11.35% | 7.11% | 4.11% |
September 28 | 77.65% | 10.80% | 7.27% | 4.28% |
October 4 | 77.78% | 10.66% | 7.23% | 4.33% |
October 12 | 77.78% | 10.66% | 7.21% | 4.35% |
October 18 | 77.89% | 10.65% | 7.29% | 4.17% |
October 25 | 77.83% | 10.56% | 7.56% | 4.05% |
November 1 | 77.75% | 10.46% | 7.66% | 4.12% |
November 8 | 77.96% | 10.21% | 7.75% | 4.08% |
November 15 | 77.60% | 10.39% | 7.59% | 4.42% |
November 22 | 77.59% | 10.41% | 7.67% | 4.37% |
December 22 | 78.43% | 9.73% | 7.86% | 3.97% |
Enquisite collects data from a network of thousands of web sites distributed globally. The data used in this reports represents web sites distributed globally, accessed by searchers located in the U.S., and reflects click-through activity data.
Search Engine Market Share Update
Greetings from Search Engine Strategies Berlin!
This week, our weekly trend data of search engine market share as defined by click-through activity shows a Bing regaining its forward momentum, after a slight slip last week. However, looking at the last four weeks, it seems that Bing is hovering quite steadily around the 7.7% market share mark. Over the next few weeks we should be able to see if this is maintained as a normal position, or if Bing recovers its forward momentum.
It should be interesting to observe what happens this week. Each year we see a big drop in search referral traffic associated with the week of the American Thanksgiving Holiday. Will all the engines drop the same proportionate amount, or will Google’s traditional strength in the IT and student marketplace result in a larger drop in market share for the week? Next week I’ll try and put together a chart showing how search volume drops in the run-up to the Holiday, and also how it bounces back.
As always, we’re providing the data in weekly breakdowns to try and identify trends in very granular ways. This data reflects actual clickthrough activity, and not the number of queries run. Meaning if someone performs a search on Yahoo, but doesn’t click through to the results, we don’t track it. We only track searches which generated referrals.
The raw data for those who prefer the numbers, not the graphics:
Yahoo | Bing | Other | ||
September 7 | 78.68% | 11.51% | 6.80% | 3.01% |
September 14 | 78.35% | 11.13% | 6.50% | 4.02% |
September 21 | 77.43% | 11.35% | 7.11% | 4.11% |
September 28 | 77.65% | 10.80% | 7.27% | 4.28% |
October 4 | 77.78% | 10.66% | 7.23% | 4.33% |
October 12 | 77.78% | 10.66% | 7.21% | 4.35% |
October 18 | 77.89% | 10.65% | 7.29% | 4.17% |
October 25 | 77.83% | 10.56% | 7.56% | 4.05% |
November 1 | 77.75% | 10.46% | 7.66% | 4.12% |
November 8 | 77.96% | 10.21% | 7.75% | 4.08% |
November 15 | 77.60% | 10.39% | 7.59% | 4.42% |
November 22 | 77.59% | 10.41% | 7.67% | 4.37% |
Enquisite collects data from a network of web sites distributed globally. The data used in this reports represents web sites distributed globally, accessed by searchers located in the U.S., and reflects click-through activity data.
Mobile Browser Market Share Data
As promised to lots of people last week at Pubcon, and to Mike Grehan over at SES, I’m going to start posting even more varied data.
A frequent request from and for search marketers is insight into the mobile browser market. While still tiny in relation to general web traffic when considered from the search perspective, the growing adoption of devices built with web browsing in mind make these numbers are worth watching. I suspect that as iPhones & Android devices become even more ubiquitous, these numbers will continue to grow. Most remarkably, if Blackberry built a better web interface / UI into their devices, I suspect their share would more accurately reflect their general market share for devices in use.
I’ve prepared two charts: one which includes all the mobile browsers; and one with the iPhone removed. The reason is simple - the iPhone is so dominant that it’s impossible to see market share changes for the others without excluding it. This is very much like Google’s overwhelming marketshare dominance in search.
With the iPhone’s market share displayed, it’s hard to make out any of the competitors:
Without the iPhone’s market share displayed, it’s much easier to see the trends starting to emerge:
The obvious insights that I spied immediately were:
1) Android outperforms Blackberry even thought their install base is tiny by contrast.
2) Android’s numbers will be very interesting to watch with Verizon’s big push on their devices.
3) Windows Mobile numbers are horrible! By the time MSFT catches up on search, they’ll realize that they’ve lost their dominant position for being the interface to the web! (IE, mobile etc…)
4) Look at the Palm Pre! For a phone which T-Mobile didn’t really do a great job pushing, their lead on Microsoft is astounding. (yes, I’ve asked for those numbers to be double-checked).
5) Every one of these browsers is growing strongly and steadily. It’s a great sign for the future of mobile marketing!
What are your thoughts?
The raw data for those who prefer the numbers, not the graphics:
iPhone | Android | Blackberry | Palm Pre | Win Mobile | |
July 31 | 0.448% | 0.038% | 0.026% | 0.008% | 0.005% |
Aug 31 | 0.591% | 0.045% | 0.033% | 0.012% | 0.007% |
Sept 30 | 0.583% | 0.043% | 0.041% | 0.012% | 0.007% |
Oct 31 | 0.663% | 0.049% | 0.044% | 0.016% | 0.008% |
Enquisite collects data from a network of web sites distributed globally. The data used in this reports represents web sites distributed globally, accessed by browsers located in the U.S.
With mobile browsing in particular, I suspect there’s a higher level of incidence than even of browsers who look up information, but never click through to any destination web site, leaving the search engine / resource of choice being the information portal.
Yes, Google is unquestionably a portal when mobile is considered.
Weekly Search Engine Market Share Report Nov 15, 2009
For the first time in months, our weekly trend data of search engine market share as defined by click-through activity shows a small drop in the growth trend on the part of Bing. However, Microsoft (MSFT) has still gained almost a full point of market share over the last two months. Yahoo’s share of search referrals rose a little this week.
As always, we’re providing the data in weekly breakdowns to try and identify trends in very granular ways. This data reflects actual clickthrough activity, and not the number of queries run. Meaning if someone performs a search on Yahoo, but doesn’t click through to the results, we don’t track it. We only track searches which generated referrals.
The raw data for those who prefer the numbers, not the graphics:
Yahoo | Bing | Other | ||
September 7 | 78.68% | 11.51% | 6.80% | 3.01% |
September 14 | 78.35% | 11.13% | 6.50% | 4.02% |
September 21 | 77.43% | 11.35% | 7.11% | 4.11% |
September 28 | 77.65% | 10.80% | 7.27% | 4.28% |
October 4 | 77.78% | 10.66% | 7.23% | 4.33% |
October 12 | 77.78% | 10.66% | 7.21% | 4.35% |
October 18 | 77.89% | 10.65% | 7.29% | 4.17% |
October 25 | 77.83% | 10.56% | 7.56% | 4.05% |
November 1 | 77.75% | 10.46% | 7.66% | 4.12% |
November 8 | 77.96% | 10.21% | 7.75% | 4.08% |
November 15 | 77.60% | 10.39% | 7.59% | 4.42% |
Enquisite collects data from a network of web sites distributed globally. The data used in this reports represents web sites distributed globally, accessed by searchers located in the U.S., and reflects click-through activity data.
How Long is Normal: Data Shows Normal Length of Search Query
In honor of Pubcon Las Vegas, where I’ll be heading tomorrow, I’m going to post some more data which should provide meaningful insights to search marketers. First up this week is an answer to the question lots of advanced search marketers often ask me: “how long are most search queries?”, or in other words, “How many words are in most search queries?” I had one of our databases prepare a report on search query length for the month of October, so a poll size of ~40 million search referrals, so enough to be more than just statistically relevant.
Interestingly, four-word queries are more common than one-word queries, and five-word ones are almost as common! Five words!
The database pool used was general web search, and not skewed towards local search, so this breakdown is even more surprising. If it had been local skewed, then a preponderance of local queries such as “Best burritos in San Francisco” would explain the query length.
For the longest query, we actually recorded one search referral with 594 “keywords” in it. Likely it was someone was searching for exact copies of an article, either to identify plagiarism, or link opportunities.
So, if this is “normal” for the Internet, how does your site match up? Interesting to think of this as one more way to determine if your web site’s SEO strategy is healthy: distribution of query length. Not really longtail, what animal shape could we name this metric after? Dana Todd is great at naming these things; maybe I’ll ask her.
For those of you wanting the raw data - I didn’t have time to format the tables, so just put it at the end…
Words in Query | Percentage of Queries |
1 | 11.08% |
2 | 24.56% |
3 | 25.77% |
4 | 17.68% |
5 | 10.03% | 6 | 5.36% | 7 | 2.65% | 8 | 1.36% | 9 | 0.70% | 10 | 0.37% |
Weekly Search Engine Market Share Update
Last week I published information about how the market shares for the search engines have evolved over the last few months. I’m going to attempt to post updates almost every week, offset randomly by other interesting trends such as browser share numbers. This week, I’ve put together a weekly update, as quite a few people emailed me about the evolving trends.
To highlight the trend, I’ll re-post the data from early September.
search engine market shares for search engine usage based on searchers located in the US
Yahoo | Bing | Others | September 7 | 78.68% | 11.51% | 6.80% | 4.06% |
September 14 | 78.35% | 11.13% | 6.50% | 4.02% |
September 21 | 77.43% | 11.35% | 7.11% | 4.12% |
September 28 | 77.65% | 10.80% | 7.27% | 4.28% |
October 4 | 77.78% | 10.66% | 7.23% | 4.25% |
October 12 | 77.78% | 10.66% | 7.21% | 4.36% |
October 18 | 77.89% | 10.65% | 7.29% | 4.16% |
Again, this data represents search engine click through activity where the people initiating the searches are located in the U.S. At some point I’ll present information on global search activity.
Search Engine Market Share Update October 2009
As mentioned in my previous post about browser usage, I’m going to start posting more data, more often. This week I’m putting out search engine market share numbers. I haven’t posted a U.S. search engine market share update since March 2008, so I’m definitely overdue!
Rather than providing a simple set of monthly numbers, I’ve decided to provide weekly breakdowns using aggregate data from our suite of search marketing tools, which makes it possible you review a few months worth of data at a detailed level. I’ll try to update these every two weeks, with weekly breakdowns for now, to try and identify trends in very granular ways. Interesting high-level, and consistent growth for Bing, overall growth for Yahoo! as demonstrated in this chart. Remember, this is based on clickthrough activity.
Astute observers may note that these numbers differ from other reports. Our data is collected at the web site level, based on actual referrals received. While people may search any of these engines more often, but not click through to the results. We report on the activity we see hitting the network of sites we’re tracking, and we are very careful to report only on the search referral traffic, so this won’t include referral traffic from Yahoo mail or gmail, for example. We’ve also rolled up all the various types of Google search activity into “Google” and not separated out Google Image Search / Blog Search, etc.
U.S. weekly search engine market share breakdowns
As you can see, Yahoo! and Bing have been climbing, slowly but steadily, as a percentage of overall search engine referral activity. For more details, please view the weekly breakdown chart below.
Yahoo | Bing | Others | ||
April 5 | 82.74% | 9.49% | 4.99% | 2.77% |
April 13 | 82.65 | 9.60% | 4.99% | 2.76% |
April 20 | 82.03% | 9.85% | 5.30% | 2.82% |
April 27 | 82.20% | 9.62% | 5.41% | 2.76% |
May 4 | 81.26% | 9.55% | 5.22% | 3.97% |
May 11 | 80.98% | 9.69% | 5.17% | 4.16% |
May 18 | 79.94% | 10.45% | 5.32% | 4.29% |
May 25 | 80.06% | 10.39% | 5.37% | 4.19% |
June 1 | 79.80% | 10.44% | 5.39% | 4.37% |
June 8 | 79.48% | 10.69% | 5.53% | 4.30% |
June 15 | 79.41% | 10.54% | 5.79% | 4.26% |
June 22 | 79.40% | 10.56% | 5.79% | 4.26% |
June 29 | 79.52% | 10.37% | 5.62% | 4.48% |
July 6 | 79.51% | 10.46% | 5.48% | 4.55% |
July 13 | 79.69% | 10.31% | 5.56% | 4.44% |
July 20 | 79.61% | 10.30% | 5.62% | 4.48% |
July 27 | 78.21% | 11.18% | 6.18% | 4.43% |
August 3 | 78.77% | 10.95% | 6.06% | 4.22% |
August 10 | 77.92% | 11.54% | 6.36% | 4.18% |
August 17 | 77.33% | 11.82% | 6.80% | 4.06% |
August 24 | 78.11% | 11.51% | 6.27% | 4.11% |
August 31 | 78.62% | 11.27% | 6.27% | 4.11% |
September 7 | 78.68% | 11.51% | 6.80% | 4.06% |
September 14 | 78.35% | 11.13% | 6.50% | 4.02% |
September 21 | 77.43% | 11.35% | 7.11% | 4.12% |
September 28 | 77.65% | 10.80% | 7.27% | 4.28% |
October 4 | 77.78% | 10.66% | 7.23% | 4.25% |
October 12 | 77.78% | 10.66% | 7.21% | 4.36% |
In context of all three engines, here’s a chart of the global search engine referral rate market share numbers which does show interesting trends over the last few months.
Search Engine referral rate activity report
Enquisite collects data from a network of web sites distributed globally. The data used in this reports represents web sites distributed globally, accessed by searchers located in the U.S.
Let me know if you would like a similar report for the UK, Canada or other areas, please.